Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 2: Blessed Beyond Measure

Today we started our run in muggy warm weather but ready and happy to get going nonetheless and it continued throughout the entire run. As we began our run I noticed that my stroller seamed to be messed up but thought "o,well, it's probably just me." WRONG. The next 3 miles I struggled to keep it going and finally told Haleigh and Athena we had to stop and check. We looked and couldn't see anything noticeably wrong but Haleigh offered to push it- she soon realized it was a major problem. Throughout the day we alternated strollers to help eachother through the run. Around mile 5 I believe, I began to feel terrible!- the rest of the run Haleigh and Athena alternated pushing my stroller to take the load off me as much as possible! I really wanted to cry my eyeballs out because of their willingness to pick up my slack when I couldn't. We were defenitally strengthened as a whole today. God totally got me through today and it was strength from him that kept me going! We are staying with an incredible group of ppl tonight along with housing us they are going to look into getting my stroller fixed.God is good! I am blessed! So thankful for constant encouragement from friends and family back home- you guys are keeping me going as well!

1 comment:

  1. Love you and praying for you. Is it not just amazing how god shows us his love even with a broken stroller. Just like they picked up your slack God picks up ours. Keep running cant wait to skype with you in a couple weeks :)
