Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Letting Go

Day 3: Today was another challenging day as I'm sure every day will be! Today God spoke to me in two different ways! The first was- letting go and letting him have control...As I was going down several heels my stroller was trying to take control and lead the way and guide me and I began to resist its pull - which would actually help me down the hill quicker and with less effort and energy than if I tried to control myself and the stroller- in that moment God spoke to me: "in the same way that you tried to control the stroller and lead you/others do the same in your life: Let ME lead and web you do so without resisting I will guide you into your calling- I will protect you- I will get you down the heel with no effort of your own but from myself! I will hold you,I will guide you, and I will lead you." - So let Go and Let God!:)

Second thing He spoke to me today: some of you know that I'm allergic to mosquitoes and well the ones here are the size of birds- and have attacked me like crazy! Today while running I couldn't breathe bc my throat and top of my mouth were swelling bc of the reaction to these bites. I was struggling, I was hurting, and I was wanting to stop at some points during today's journey- but only two words kept coming to my mind:FLAME ON! a few days before leaving for this journey I watched Flame On- a documentary on the life of a precious little boy (who lost his life) and his family and what they went through and all God has done in and through Cooper's and their lives!... Well , Cooper use to say Flame On... he was so full of life and brought a smile to everyone he came in contact with... Cooper/The Jasper's story has inspired me beyond words and God in his awesome power has incorporated their story into my run and used it to speak to me.. So every time I get down or feel like I can't go on God speaks to me Flame On! So I will Flame On til the end!!! I will not give up,back up, or shut up- I will press on and move forward NO MATTER WHAT! So looking forward to the journey ahead: the good,the bad,the hard, and the easy! ALL for His glory!!!

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