Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Its Gonna Be Worth It

Today was another great day! God is SO good. Today's run however was very challenging and painful! I wanted to sit on the side of the highway and cry my eyeballs out but every time the pain in my knee became unbearable and I wanted to stop- It's like I could Feel God saying: Keep going, I've got you! It's gonna be worth it! Push through! Finish this race- today's race! There is great purpose for
What I am having you do right now! FLAME ON!!! So I did! Just as He promised; He gave me the strength I needed to get through today's run... Through this process He spoke to me!....

Just as I give you what you need and the strength to make it through your run, I also do in life! You will have pain and there will be trials, but I've got you!! I will not leave you! I will give you exactly what you need to get through! You may go through storms and the journey set before you may be tough; I dnt promise to remove your pain , but I do promise not to leave you!!! So keep going, keep pressing on! There's always a rainbow after every storm!! The journey might seem tough right now but the finish line/break through is coming!!! It's gonna be worth it!!!

Side Note: After our run we had an incredible lunch then were treated to a movie and got to have dinner and hang out with a new awesome friend we have made here in Texas!! We are so blessed!!! I am thankful! Ready to hit the road again tomorrow and see what God has!

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